1972년 스톡홀름에서 결성된 스웨덴 팝 그룹
역사상 가장 인기가 많았던 음악 그룹
Ooh - I'm so grate-ful and proud all I want is to sing it out loud
So I say Thank you for the mu-sic, the songs I'm sing-ing,
Thanks for all the joy they're bring-ing
Who can live with-out it? I ask in all hon-est-y
what would life be with-out a song or dance what are we?
So I say Thank you for the mu-sic for gi-ving it to me
Ooh-ooh-what a what a chance to me,
so I say thank you for the mu-sic for giv-ing it to me
Ho-ney ho-ney how he thrills me ah ha ho-ney ho-ney
ho-ney ho-ney near-ly kills me ah ha ho-ney ho-ney
I'd heard a-bout him be-fore I want-ed to know some more
and now I know what they mean he's a love ma-chine.
oh he makes me diz-zy
ho-ney ho-ney let me feel it ah ha ho-ney ho-ney
ho-ney ho-ney don't con-ceal it ah ha ho-ney ho-ney
the way that you kiss good night
the way that hold me tight I feel that I wan-na sing
when you do your Thing
I can't con-ceal it don't you see can't you feel it
say I do I do I do I do I do I do
Don-na let's try it you love me don't de-ny it
say I do I do I do I do I do I do
Love we or leave me make your choice but be-lieve me
I love you I do I do I do I do I do
I have a dream a song to sing
to help me cope with a-ny-thing
I have a dream a fan-ta-sy to help me through re-a-li-ty
and my des-ti-na-tion makes it worth the while
push-ing through the dark-ness still an-oth-er mile
I be-lieve in an-gels some-thing good in ev-ery thing I see
I be-lieve in An-gels When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream I have a dream
I'll cross the stream I have a dream
Ah ~ Ah~ Ah ~ ~ Ah ~ Ah ~ Ah~ Ah ~ ~ Ah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ You can dance You can jive ha-ving the time of your life
Ooh see that girl watch the scene dig-gin' the dan-cing queen
fir-day night and the lights are low look-ing our for a place to go
where they play the right mu-sic get-ting in the swing
you've come to look for a king Ooh Do do do Ooh Do do do
with a bit of rock mu-sic eve-ry-thing is fine
you're in the mood for a dance
and when you get the chance you are the dan-cing queen
young and sweet on-ly se-ven-teen
dan-cing queen feel the beat from the tam-bou-rine oh Yeah
you can dance you can jive hav-ing the time of you life
oh see that girl watch that scene dig-gin' the dan-cing queen
see that girl watch that scean dig-gin' the dan-cing queen
I was chea-ted by you and I think you know when
so I made up my mind it must come to an end
look at me now will I ev-er learn? I don't know how
but I sud-den-ly lose con-trol There's a fi-re with in my soul
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
One more look at I for-get ev'-ry-thing
Woh - woh - mam-ma mi-a here I go a-gain
my my how can I re-sist ya mam ma mi-a does it show a-gain
my my just how much I've missed ya
Yes I've been bro-ken heart-ed
why why did I ev-er let you go mam-ma mi-a
now I real-ly know my my I should not have let you go
mam-ma mi-a does it show a-gain my my just how much I've missed ya
mam-ma mi-a does it show a-gain my my just how much I've missed ya
mam-ma mi-a does it show a-gain my my just how much I've missed ya
mam-ma mi-a does it show a-gain my my just how much I've missed ya
why why did I ev-er let you go Mam-ma mi-a!
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